Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Ray Tracing - Project 8

Design Choices

Most of the code modifications occurred in the Scene class. I chose to do this since it seemed logical that different scenes be rendered using different filters and samplings. Also, the Scene class is where the rays are created, so it was a simple change in code.

The code changes had two parts. One which allowed additional samples to be calculated at different points based on the filter, and another part of the code, which calculated the weight of each sampling. I chose the Gaussian filter to implement as it seemed simple and provide okay results, although not too much better then the actual triangle filter.

Rendered with 1 sample per pixel (no jittering)

The function provided in the homework assignment

A scene of random spheres and five different material types

Rendered with 9 samples per pixel with jittering and using the triangle filter

The function provided in the homework assignment

Rendered with 9 samples per pixel using a Gaussian filter

The function provided in the homework assignment

A scene of random spheres and five different material types

Code: project8.tar.bz2

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