Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Image Synthesis - Project 3

These are samples from a simulated sensor. The grid is on the xy-plane and a sphere emitting light from it's surface at random vectors hits the sensor grid and accumulates XYZ factors, which are converted to RGB on the graphics card and displayed to the screen. Below are images of this program taken at different number of photon emissions.

1000 emissions

1000000 emissions

100000000 emissions (move over Pixar)

Monday, September 04, 2006

Image Synthesis - Project 2

This second project is similar to the first. I sampled XYZ estimates using the tristimulus curves and converted the samples on the graphics card to RGB using the Adobe RGB table conversion standard matrix. It took my poor little laptop almost two minutes to render 1024 time steps at 720x480.

1 sample

16 samples

256 samples

1024 samples

Image Synthesis - Project 1

This first project samples various frequencies on the Macbeth color checker. If it passes a basic sampling check, the image color is sampled to the frame buffer. All the samples are acculumated over each time step to get a better average color. All these images were rendered at 720x480 (they seemed like good numbers). They were rendered on a Toshiba Tecra S2.

1 sample

16 samples

256 samples

1024 samples